Container House are becoming increasingly standardized

As is well known, container houses have evolved from containers. Previously, people only regarded containers as iron boxes for loading items without considering their other applications, but what should be done with old containers? It would be a pity to throw it away, so people chose the popular method of reheating and refining at that time. However, this method is a high energy consumption and high pollution process. Therefore, people once again studied how to handle containers, and later came up with the idea of transforming them into houses, which led to the initial formation of container house

In the process of continuous development of box packing activity rooms, they are no longer just a simple prototype at the beginning, but have become the darling of everyone. Due to their low price and strong plasticity, they have been applied to various industries. At first, people were not optimistic about its development. After years of improvement, from the beginning of Emergency shelter to today's commercial housing, container housing has proved its superior performance with its strength. Now more and more countries begin to design container houses, for example, Japanese architects have designed a museum for Nomad with it; Travel Group will also quickly add mobile housing chain hotels; Along some highways in Guangzhou, advertisements with the words "Box houses, 10 yuan per day" are also common. The design of civilian and personalized container houses is countless. Experts predict that container activity rooms will trigger a new round of accommodation revolution. Because container houses have many advantages, a small renovation of the original container can become a cozy living room with windows and doors. Réville, an Arab tycoon, bought a container house in the south of London for 35 million euros. However, as an ordinary decorated residence, it is very cost-effective. With different creativity, it can become a two-story "small villa". If personalized creative graffiti is painted on the exterior, it can also become a residential community with European and American styles, widely loved by young people.

The container house adheres to the concept of "green environmental protection, low-carbon energy conservation". A series of advantages such as convenient disassembly, superior performance, stability and firmness, good shock resistance, and low cost have been sought after by young people both domestically and internationally, gradually becoming popular and fashionable. This also injects fresh blood into its design, improving the comfort and safety of the container house. So, with the optimization of technology and the progress of the times, the market for mobile homes will become increasingly broad.

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