Trends and Challenges of Special Container

With the continuous changes in the transport market and container production technology is increasingly perfect, the future market demand for special containers will become complex and diverse. Its change trend can be summarized as intelligent, standardization, large-scale, multimodal transport and energy saving and environmental protection. Intelligent. Intelligent container loading is mainly through RFID (radio frequency identification), MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) sensing control, 2G/3G communication network and other related information technology, to achieve the global scope of the whole supply chain of container remote monitoring, tracking and management. With the development of modern logistics and global trade, intelligence has become an important trend in the development of the container. Standardisation. Container is a high degree of standardization of products, internal and external dimensions, various performance tests and components to comply with ISO (International Organization for Standardization), GB (national standards), CCIA (China Container Industry Association) and other standards. Large-scale. Large container vessels have been highly sought after in recent years, and in the future, large-scale container carriers will gradually replace existing vessels and become the mainstream vessel type, and the market demand for large containers will also increase. Multimodal transport. At present, the world container transport is still dominated by a single mode, sea, land and air is not close enough between the connection. The future of transport will achieve multimodal container transport, so as to improve efficiency. Energy saving and environmental protection. The future container in the production and use process, by reducing the weight of the box, extend the service life and other measures to meet the higher emission standards and energy consumption requirements.

Facing challenges
At present, there are still quite a number of problems in China's container industry, the container industry business methods whether in land occupation, energy consumption, environmental protection, or in social responsibility and occupational health and other focal issues, from the government and social requirements there is a certain gap. In the policy environment has changed at the same time, China's container enterprises are facing a variety of cost increases brought about by the pressure. Iron ore and other raw material prices brought about by the container with steel, paint, wood flooring and other material costs rise; enterprises in response to the national energy-saving and emission reduction policy, in order to meet the needs of the market, continuous innovation brought about by the rise in production technology costs; workers' welfare benefits and working environment to improve the human resources and production conditions brought about by rising costs and other foreseeable risks, as well as the appreciation of the RMB (more than the exchange rate reform since the appreciation of more than 20%), uncertainties such as exchange rate fluctuations, adjustments to export tax rebate policies and uncertain risks such as higher social development costs will all be cost pressures that enterprises will need to face.

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